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Education Content

Digital content education provides a solution to the gaps between sex, disability, and class and provides equality of educational opportunities

  • Online education content is digital education that is accessible beyond spatial, economic, and time limits.
  • Due to Covid-19, most educational institutions, including schools, are closed in developing countries, causing problems of school interruption.
  • Ubion teaches educational content production and teaching and learning design methods to make students complete the regular curriculum.
ysis of the local curriculum

Analysis of the local curriculum

  • Analysis of local cultural characteristics, contents area by grade, achievement criteria, and unit composition
  • Review content production environments and create effective storyboards based on the type of content
  • Present sample by the type of content and curriculum model unit sample
Differentiated instructional design

Differentiated instructional design

  • Systematic content development based on teaching and learning theory
  • Use instructional design strategies based on a thorough analysis of characteristics and learning objects of each course
  • It is divided into a macroscopic system that outlines the entire curriculum and a microscopic system that writes detailed screens and narrations on a one-time basis on a storyboard in order to effectively achieve training goals using online content
The latest development technology based on web standards

The latest development technology based on web standards

  • Developing multimedia e-learning content based on web standards (HTML5, mp4, etc.) to establish various system compatibility environments
    • Packaging for a wide range of devices, including PC, tablets, and smartphones
  • Using various multimedia production techniques such as character animation, motion graphics, and 3D image effects, etc.
Certificate of Graduation
Certificate of Graduation