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  • Developed and operated EBS online class
  • Create University LMS Cloud Service
  • Expand overseas aid projects (ODA/EDCF)
  1. 2020
    1. Developed and operated EBS online class
    2. Released HyDee 1.0, a learning platform dedicated to elementary schools
    3. Appointed as an e-Learning globalization LEAD company by the Ministry of Education
  2. 2021
    1. Selected for K-Digital Training project
    2. Signed a contract with Zoom Reseller
    3. Signed NAVER MSP Partnership Agreement
    4. Selected as an excellent partner by the Korea International Cooperation Agency(KOICA)
    5. Selected as a Digital New Deal Company of the Year by the Ministry of Science and ICT‘s
  3. 2022
    1. Received the Best Management Award at the 9th Korea KONEX Awards